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Export to PDF

The ExportToPdf facilitates exporting content as a PDF file in Vue.js. It relies on html2canvas and jspdf libraries for conversion and PDF generation.


To utilize the ExportToPdf component:

  1. Import Component: Import the ExportToPdf component into your Vue file/component.

  2. Implement Component: Use the <ExportToPdf> tag in your template where you want the export functionality.

  3. Pass Filename: Provide the filename prop with the desired name for the exported PDF file.

  4. Slot Content: Insert the content within the <ExportToPdf> tags to be exported as a PDF.





<div  class="print-container">

<h1>Exportable Content</h1>

<p>This section will be exported as a PDF.</p>


<ExportToPdf  filename="my_document">

<button>Export as PDF</button>




<script  lang="ts">

import { defineComponent } from  'vue';

import { ExportToPdf } from  'vue-doc-exporter';

export  default  defineComponent({

components: {






filename(String, required)The desired name for the exported PDF file.
aspectRatio(Number, optional, default: 2.5)The aspect ratio of the PDF.
showPageNumbers(Boolean, optional, default: false)Determines whether to display page numbers.
pageNumbersOrientation(String, optional, default: "center")The orientation of the page numbers. Possible values are "center", "left", "right", "justify", or undefined.
orientation(String, optional, default: "portrait")The orientation of the PDF. Possible values are "p", "portrait", "l", "landscape", or undefined.
unit(String, optional, default: "px")The unit of measurement for the PDF dimensions. Possible values are "em", "pt", "px", "in", "mm", "cm", "ex", "pc", or undefined.