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Here's how you can use the ExportPDFTable function in Vue 3


import { ExportPDFTable } from "vue-doc-exporter";

Function Definition

  filename: string,
  content: Content,
  attributes?: Attribute


  • filename (string): The name of the PDF file to be generated (excluding the .pdf extension).
  • content (Content): An object containing the data to be included in the PDF.
    • data (any[]): An array of objects representing the table data.
    • columns (string[]): An array of column headers.
    • logo (string, optional): The URL of the logo image to include in the PDF.
    • headers (string[], optional): An array of headers to be added above the table.
    • title (string, optional): The title to be displayed above the table.
  • attributes (Attribute, optional): An object specifying additional attributes for customizing the PDF.
    • width (number, optional): The width of the table.
    • style (string, optional): The style of the table.
    • font (string, optional): The font to use in the PDF.
    • fontSize (number, optional): The font size to use.
    • color (string, optional): The color of the text.
    • uppercaseTitle (boolean, optional): Whether to convert the title to uppercase.
    • language ("en" | "de" | "fr" | "es" | "pt" | "it" | "ru" | "ja" | "ko" | "zh", optional): The language to use.
    • themes ("grid" | "striped" | "plain" | "first" | "last", optional): The theme of the table.
    • logoHeight (number, optional): The height of the logo in pixels.
    • logoWidth (number, optional): The width of the logo in pixels.


const content = {
  data: [
    { name: "John Doe", age: 30, country: "USA" },
    { name: "Jane Smith", age: 25, country: "Canada" }
  columns: ["Name", "Age", "Country"],
  logo: "",
  headers: ["Company Report", "Department A"],
  title: "Employee List"

const attributes = {
  font: "Arial",
  fontSize: 12,
  color: "#333333",
  uppercaseTitle: true,
  themes: "striped",
  logoHeight: 40,
  logoWidth: 40

ExportPDFTable("employee-list", content, attributes);